Projects > Dear Oxnard

Dear Oxnard
Dear Oxnard

Its not you, its me.

Lately Ive been seeing other cities. True, Ive come back to you many times. Youve always taken me back, from Ventura, Carpentaria, Goleta, London, Dublin, Kilkenney, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Culver City, Fukuwoka, Venice, S. Pasadena, Chinatown, Fairbanks, Colorado Springs, Ar Ramadi, Al Quim, Al Assad, Brooklyn, Skowhegan, New Haven, and Tong Du Chon. I feel like our time apart has brought about certain changes. . . We just havent changed in the same way.

I cant overstate what you once meant to me, or how much I will always remember you.

Ive made a list of all the things I love about you, and a few things Im not so crazy about. I drove through your streets the other day tracking some of our most memorable experiences together. I wanted to share them with you so that you would know I wont forget you.
